Upgrade to Enhanso

Registered users of EngancyMy8, EnhanceMySe7en, EnhaceMyVista or EnhanceMyXP can upgrade to Enhanso Pro with a 30% discount.

Please note that the upgrade discount is available only once per customer, but you can purchase multiple licenses when upgrading.

If you are a registered user enter your registration code and click the button below to upgrade.


Get all the information about your software and hardware with the Info tabs: installed software and hardware, sensors, clock speed and more.

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Tools to clean and defragment your disks and registry, to edit your start-up programs, services and processes.

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Tweak your Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 to get the best possible experience and be maximum productive while using it.

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Processor Panel

Main Window Screenshot
Contains detailed information about your processor.

HDD Info

Provides detailed information about HDD temperatures, health, performance and all other available SMART info.

Registry Cleaner

Finds and deletes all registry records that are no longer needed to improve your system's performance and stability.

Security Tweaks

Contains a collection of the most used security tweaks.

EnhanceMy8 Features

Feature Availability
Process Identification - Identify unrecognized software +
Start-Up Management - Disable unnecessary software increasing performance +
Registry Cleaner - Can easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries +
Disk Cleaner - Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart +
Registry Defragmenter - Rebuilds and re-indexs your registry to reduce application response time and registry access time +
Disk Defragmenter - Reduces the amount of fragmentation in file systems +
Hard Drive Monitor - Gives the current values of various hard disk parameters such as Temperature, Head Flying Height, Spin-Up Time etc. +
System Tools, File, Network and Security Tools +
Security - EnhanceMySe7en has easy to configure security settings for managing the new security features of Windows 8 +
Optimization - Optimize settings for maximum speed and stability +
Customization - customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings +
Network - Optimize your Internet connection speed +
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