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"EnhanceMy8 is Packed with Tweaking Tools and Customization Options for Windows 8" Lifehacker, 2012
Windows 8 is fast and it is quite satisfying in the role of replacing Windows XP and Win7, but you can make it much faster and responsible with EnhanceMy8.
EnhanceMy8 includes any tweaks and tools you need to keep your Win8 in mint condition:
UPDATE 16 Jun 2014: Enhanso Merges EnhanceMyVista, EnhanceMySe7en and EnhanceMy8 Into One(click for more info).
Download here EnhanceMy8 Free v2.2.2, 12.5 MB
Registered users of EnhanceMySe7en, EnhaceMyVista, EnhanceMyXP or version 1.x of EnhanceMy8 can upgrade to the latest EnhanceMy8 Pro with a 30% discount.
If you are a registered user click the button below to upgrade.
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The Free version doesn't contain such tools and tweaks as Defragmenter, HDD Monitor, Most Used Tweaks, System Tools and some other. For a full list of the Free version limitations click on the link below: Pro vs Free Comparison Table